Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Delete and Refresh...

Well it's been a little over a year since I've taken some time to jot some thoughts down. I find myself on Thanksgiving Eve sitting in my office avoiding the final three items I need to check off my never ending things to do list to feel accomplished before I lock up for the holidays.

I've been on a journey of self discovery and I've found there are two things that I'm horrible at: letting go and self care. I'm taking it a day at a time on both but I've found with most things in life if you simply start the process it becomes much easier each step along the way.

In the midst of preparing for a 30 day self care challenge I noticed a few articles that always talk about removing the clutter from your life, and so I started by simply deleting a folder of emails from an ex. I haven't looked at the emails in years so I'm not really sure why I wouldn't let go, but when I pressed the "empty deleted items folder" - my spirit let go.

I'm not sure where the next few months are going to take me in terms of this adventure of true self care and letting go of anything that isn't healthy for in all aspects of life but it's bound to be full of emotions.


I'm sure someone has said this... but sometimes you just need to delete and refresh your life cache.