Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Strangers Collide

I met DeAndre Capies almost a decade ago when I was working in the DC Mayor's office. He was one of my summer youth employment workers who I've kept in touch with all these years. The moment I saw him, he reminded me of my cousin who had been recently murdered. They favor each other physically and have similar personalities. I owe him a huge thanks for allowing me to pour my energy and drive into his young and talented spirit. His love for life and consistently challenging me (which drove me crazy but always made me laugh) was a huge factor in what saved me that summer.

We have kept in touch via text and Facebook messenger with life updates and challenges, but haven't seen each other in years.  During the opening gala of the NMAAHC I ran into him working and that MADE MY ENTIRE WEEKEND. I'm pretty sure I gave him the hugest bear hug he's had in a while, but it was the only way I could hold the tears of joy seeing him succeed!!!

Never underestimate the power a single person or moment can have on the trajectory of your life.