Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quite Simply

I would love to say I’ve had writer’s block, but I thought I didn’t have anything positive to say and who needs any additional “negative nancy’s” in their life. For most of 2013, I have assumed that it was one of my worst years ever. I didn’t necessarily feel accomplished personally or professionally. That sounds crazy to some of the people that are reading this – because I am blessed and highly favored. I started the year off grieving my maternal grandmother, watching my brother begin the initial phases of divorce, and then I experienced my own personal setback.

It is funny how simple moments can completely change your perspective. I was talking to a friend complaining and quite frankly on the verge of tears about how nothing this year was going my way. He made me stop for a moment for a pep talk and during that conversation, I realized this has actually been a year for me to rebuild and plant myself on solid ground. I found a church home that feels me spiritually, I've fallen in love with a great zumba class, I've traveled for work and play, I've volunteered, I've walked away from those who are hazardous to my happiness and don't respect my time, and I've met some amazing people who have touched my soul.  Quite simply, I have LIVED.

Every now and then, you need to look through another person's eyes as a reminder to fully embrace your worth.