Wednesday, April 18, 2012

dyism wk of 4.18.2012

For the last ten years, I've watched my financial advisor analyze me and come to the conclusion that I'm a low risk investor. There's a simple reason - I for the most part believe in stability and I do what makes sense. This has been the dominant part of my personality for years, but I've realized that of late there is quite an interesting side to me that is laying dormant. I am the female that believes love, your most ambitious dreams, a fabulous career, and a great family are all possible with a bit of investment. And to have it all or the possibility of it all means that you have to take risks.

That is possibly one of my deepest fears - to jump into anything without a safety net. Because the truth of the matter is that what if I don't jump high enough? What if I fall? What if I get hurt? What if I don't succeed? I can't say I've had an epiphany recently but I can say that life isn't guaranteed. I always boast on no regrets, but it's time for me to stop being safe and doing what people expect.

There are always people who fall on the different ends of the spectrum. I've familiarized myself with the left and now it's time to play with the right.