Monday, October 29, 2012

dyism - Hurricane Sandy edition - 10.29.2012

As I'm sitting in my condo listening to the wind howl due to Hurricane Sandy, I figured now is as good a time as any to slow down and write. Besides, people always ask if you remember what you were doing during historical moments.

Sometimes in life for whatever reason, we jump on board the Pity Party Train and it can pick up speed so quickly that we don't really know how to jump off and enjoy the simple moments of life again. I was reading a magazine two weeks ago and read an article about the power in being grateful. I did some further research and realized that there are a number of versions of a concept called The Gratitude Challenge.

It's 21 days of taking note of all that I am grateful for about myself and all the people who surround me. 21 days of not complaining, but looking positively at all of life's little blessings. Why 21 days? I read somewhere that it takes at least 21 days to form or break a habit and that piece of information stuck with me.

Today makes day 7 and it's going well, but I received news yesterday that almost had me jump back on the train of pity. Instead, I'm going to take the advice from the magazine on using the alphabet to write out specifically what you're grateful for in life. Here goes:

A- Arms, my younger brother having a heart the size of a soccer ball.
B- "Bring it in." It's the perfect statement to hear when all is awry.
C- Cash Money and all of the other dirty south music that I listened to growing up.
D- Dancing with no abandon in the confines of my living room.
E- Early-Brown tribe and all of the support we provide each other.
F- First world problems. 
G- Grapefruit juice.
H- H Street DC because it reminds me of two amazing friends who live there.
I- I-Pad - books, music, pictures. Just amazing.
J- Jack and Jill, not the nursery rhyme or the ice cream company.
K- Keeping electricity long enough to finish this exercise.
L- Love from all of the amazing people in my life.
M- Masala Bhangra on Saturday mornings at Washington Sports Club.
N- Natural disasters and how much they allow me to reflect.
O- Opening a new paintbrush pack and placing fresh paint on canvas.
P- Pascha, my cat who has taught me some love is earned.
Q- Quitting my fascination with fast food.
R- Relaxation days at the spa.
S- Skype, to chat with my Louisiana family.
T- Text messaging when I don't want to answer the phone for whatever reason.
U- Unbelievable patience.
V- Vacations, Travel and an appreciation of nice vino.
W- Watching DVR.
X- X-rays and the advancement of modern medicine.
Y- Yearning to be better, to understand others, to dream larger...
Z- Zumba, for reminding me how music and movement make me happy.

dyism: Gratitude, simply being alive, and simple blessings should not be taken for granted.