Friday, May 4, 2012

dyism wk of 5.1.2012

I question myself sometimes on how talented I am as a professional, how loyal I am as a friend, how supportive I am as a family member/significant other and so on. To be honest, on a scale of one to ten, most of the time I see myself as simply passing in so many of these categories. Passing has never truly been enough - you don't make it to to the record books, the history books or the championships on simply passing. You don't even etch yourself into people's memories and hearts. Today though was a great reminder that we're not judged on our views alone.

A friend of a friend called me last week and asked for my assistance with interview preparation. I let a few days pass without reaching back out and while I was in the office Sunday, I decided it was time to be selfless. I talked to her for a few hours and while we were going over questions for her interview we came across an oddball question that I have answered one other time - If there was a headline for your life in your local paper, what would it be?. She gave me her answer and then I told her mine would be Masterpiece in Progress Discovered 30 Years Later.

Thinking back from just a few days ago, currently it might be Autobiography on Hold. That's the great thing about life and it's continuous changes. That same young lady emailed me today to thank me for taking time out of my schedule to assist her and I immediately responded with the simple phrase, pay it forward.

Simple selfless acts can change someone's destiny. The lives we live don't always have to be selfish.