Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012...they could not stop the beat.

Music changes lives. People are drawn to beats, the lyrics, and the way others react when they hear a song. When I hear a song whose beats or lyrics strike a chord deep within my soul it goes on repeat. I can not get the music out of my head. There are plenty of songs that I hear and their beat is addictive because it's the current go to song or you find yourself in the moment - but there are some songs who change the way you choose to think about life. They give you added perspective on love, work, family, and friendships.

I volunteer with a nonprofit who believes in arts education and I remember fondly from one of their performances last season a line from one of the acts, "they could not stop the beat". It seemed like such a simple phrase, but after meeting an artist recently that I admire deeply for the thought that goes into his lyrics - I understand now more than ever that sometimes music can flow through you with no inhibitions.  There are times when I get lost in the lyrics or the beats and I actually wish I could just play snippets of songs to communicate. These moments would allow some of those people the closest to me to understand a little better.

Lyrics and beats will forever give human beings the needed energy to change lives in some way or another.