Friday, April 8, 2011

dyism wk of 4.4.2011

We are surrounded by people who remind us of ourselves in some way or another. You can look into the eyes of most of your friends  and always find a piece of yourself. I try my darnedest to keep in touch with those who have entered my life in a number of different ways that include phone calls, emails, in-person visits, and of course cyber lurking/stalking. I've been catching up a few days this week and found out one of my friends is engaged, one passed away, and another has entered into a new relationship.

The friend who is in a new relationship looked genuinely happy in her recent pictures on facebook. I remember just a year ago that she was dating a mutual friend and they dealt with every problem imaginable - emotional abuse, depression, and drugs.  At the time it was such an unhealthy situation and one day she walked away from it all. She called me to let me know that even though she left she didn't think she would ever move on or find someone that could love her more.

Too often we forget that with a little bit of courage and time, we can do almost anything. This week has been remarkable watching people deal with life's challenges and realizing that if they take it one step at a time then life continues.

Have the courage to walk away because sometimes the grass is greener on the other side.